Mission Statement
Dedication to upholding a tradition of supporting affordable and accessible year-round mountain experiences centered around our lodge in the spirit of fun and friendship for families, youths, and all mountain enthusiasts.

Club System
DB Version: 2022.04.00
Code Version: 2022.04.00
Invoices - How to Pay using Credit Notes or using PayPal
Invoices - How to Pay using Credit Notes or using PayPal
- There are two preferred ways to pay Invoices: Via Credit Notes, or via Stripe.
- Credit Notes: Use an open Credit Note (with a positive balance) to pay off invoice(s).
- Stripe: You can pay invoices via Stripe.
- You can still pay by check or cash. However, please be aware that during peak times at the lodge (usually from 4 – 8 PM on weekends), if the manager is busy and may not have the time to help you with payments.
- You have to pay all your open invoice(s) before you can make a booking AND you have to have an overall positive balance! To check your Financial status, click the Membership link. The page that opens will show the status for each member of your household (under the heading “Financial”): If the status is FALSE, you cannot make a booking. Pay your open invoice(s) first (click Financial >> Invoices) for a list of your invoices).
Bookings- How to reserve and pay for bunks and private rooms
When and how can I make a reservation for bunks or private rooms?
Reservations can be made up to 3 weeks in advance (rolling 2 week period.) Under the Member tab, click on Booking > Make a Booking, then follow the instructions. You can only make bookings if you have a positive total balance in your accounts. So before you start a booking, it might be worth while to check your Financial Position (Under the Member tab, click Financial). NOTE: You also need to be current and paid up for your yearly dues, and all of your invoices (membership fees, locker fees purchases etc) must be paid.
- Will I get a refund if I cancel a booking?
- You will get a full refund if you cancel at least 72h in advance. You won't be able to cancel a booking less than 72 h in advance, and you will not get a refund.
Why can't I make a booking?
- There are several reasons you may not be able to initiate or complete a booking. Click here to go the help page that explains these reasons.
Lodge - Accommodations, amenities, lockers and general lodge information
Do I have to be a member to stay at the lodge?
Yes, you need to be a member to stay at the lodge. Guests can try out the lodge once and need to be accompanied by a member.
What type of accommodations are available?
- Cascade Lodge has bunk beds and 3 Private rooms. You can reserve bunks or the Private rooms up to 3 weeks (rolling 2 week period) in advance.
Do I have to bring my own bedding?
- Yes, bring your own sleeping bag, pillow and mattress cover. We provide clean, comfortable mattresses and small bedside lockers.
Can I rent a locker for my gear and skis?
- Yes, we have lockers for rent at $75/year. Since the lockers are in high demand and are given out on a first-come first-serve basis, reserve yours early by i) paying your membership dues; and ii) emailing or calling the lodge.
- Can I bring a pet?
- No, we do not allow any pets on the premises.
Meals - Meal reservations and payment options (top)
PLEASE NOTE: Meal reservations must be made 2 days in advance. This is to assure optimum quantities and quality.
Examples: For Saturday meals, a Thursday reservation.
Simply sign the Meal Sign-In Sheet at the entrance of the dining hall before you start your meal. Our manager will deduct the appropriate amount from your account. Please make sure you have enough account balance to cover the meals.
I. To RESERVE meals for a particular day:
If you are making a new booking:
1. click Bookings > Make a Booking
2. during the booking process, you must select the correct number of meals requested in each box (breakfast, lunch and dinner) for each day
3. complete the booking process as normal.
If you have an existing booking:
1. click Bookings > My Bookings"
2. click on "Edit Meal Requests" within one of the displayed bookings
3. enter the correct number of meals requested in each box (breakfast, lunch or Dinner) for each day
4. click Continue and you should get the message " Meal Requests Updated. Booking ID: NNNN. "
If you want a meal but are not planning on spending the night call the lodge at 503-272-9204
Membership - Membership fees, payment options, invoices
How long is the membership season?
- The season at Cascade Ski Club runs from the beginning of September until the end of August.
Are my membership fees tax deductible?
- No, membership fees are NOT tax deductible.
What are "subscriptions"? And how can I pay them?
- Subscriptions are your yearly (seasonal) membership fees. These include your membership dues. If you just joined Cascade Ski Club, they also include initiation fees. You can pay your fees by clicking the Members tab on top, then on the left click Financial >> Invoices >> and pay the outstanding invoices.
- What is the age and cut-off date for being considered a senior member?
- If you have reached the age of 67 before September 1 of the season, then you are considered a senior member. Note: The senior age cut-off was raised from 62 to 67 at the end of season 2013/14, as per the adopted, Restated Bylaws.